It's that time again! For those of you who have been following our journey, last month we started our #FitByFelina segment - once a month, we will showcase one of our influencers/customers in their Felina gear and give you a little more insight on their lives. After a successful first blog, we're so happy to announce our second #FitByFelina member Jamie of @speakingofstyledaily, a West Coast native who balances corporate marketing with her love for blogging! Check out her interview:

1. What made you want to start blogging?
I have always really liked fashion and really loved empowering other girls/women. Throughout my life I've dabbled in both in various ways....walking in a friend's fashion show in high school, starting a club focused on women and confidence in college, styling my friends so they felt chic before a night out.
I had dreamt of being a blogger, but never took the idea seriously.
Then, about a year and a half ago, my sister was getting more and more into photography (she now has a photography business - check her out at!). She had asked me to do some test shoots with her and we had so much fun together. Eventually I confided in her that I was (very) secretly interested in starting a blog, but had always been too nervous. Would people like my style? Be interested in what I had to say? Follow my page? What about the people I knew in real life? Would they think it was silly?
She encouraged me to go for it and I did. I needed the push from someone other than myself to get started. She has since taken all my blog photos and I wouldn't be where I am today without her love and support. My biggest advice to up-and-coming bloggers is to find someone who encourages you in this space...whether its your sister, mom, bestie, or a new friend you meet in the blogging community (check out my consulting page
@blushinfluence if you don't know where to find your blogging tribe!).
2. Do you find it challenging juggling everyday life with your growing social presence?
YES! I work 10-12 hours a day as the Director of Communications at an engineering firm. Between juggling my corporate responsibilities, the blog, my consulting business, and real life (fiance, family, puppy, friends, household chores, etc.), the struggle can be so real.
There is a lot of pressure to share quality content daily and be "on" all the time.
While it is definitely a grind, I am so SO thankful.
To mitigate some of the stress, I have started to try and put less pressure on myself to be unfiltered with my social presence. Being honest with my followers about where I'm at each day (good or bad) actually builds trust and a relatable connection. Yes, most of my audience comes to me for fashion trends and sales, but some of my best "performing" stories and posts are when I'm in my sweats with my hair in a bun being my most authentic self... aka much more of a mess than my feed would lead anyone to believe.
3. What’s your go to style?
I love a good pair of distressed jeans or quality leggings with an oversized, off the shoulder sweater. Add a cute bag, print slides or heels (leopard is my favorite right now), and some bangles and I'm in my element. In my mind, fashion should be comfortable, fun, and easy to put together.
4. If you could have your dream job, what would it be?
The one(s) I have now! I have learned so much in my corporate job and am always challenged. At the same time, I love how creative and in-control I feel of my blog and consulting business. It's a lot to juggle and may not be sustainable forever, but for now I love the way each career path is changing me.
5. What felina product do you love the most and why?
Ah! This is hard. I think it has to be a tie between the
henley bodysuit (I own both colors) and
Felina leggings. I style the henley in SO many ways, whether its free-spirit vibes (
pairing: cut-offs and Ray-Bans) or work chic (
pairing: pencil skirt and stilettos). Meanwhile,
Felina leggings are literally THE BEST. The price point is amazing, but the quality is still perfect. They are insanely soft and not see-through at all, which is a problem I run into with most affordably-priced leggings.
6. What is the main thing you look for when buying clothes?
Fit, fabric and cost. I'm always on the hunt to fill my blog with triple-threat products that hit all three!

7. What’s one thing you find challenging about blogging?
Pace + Grace. In this industry, you're ideally posting 1-3 times per day on Instagram + posting Instagram stories throughout the day + managing Pinterest + developing regular blog content. Buying, styling, shooting, editing, writing, and scheduling content to keep up with that standard can be overwhelming. At this point since I work a corporate job, I definitely can never keep up (literally not once have I ever hit that pace). It's challenging to have grace with yourself that not keeping up is okay. But trust me, it is. I've learned that the hard way, through burn-out (a few times), so my biggest hope is that someone reading this will trust me and borrow the lesson of grace for themselves. You deserve it.
8. If you could receive any Felina merch for free, what would it be?
A lifetime supply of leggings. :)